# Configurations Sync

All admin panel configurations are automatically stored in the motor-admin.yml file. It's recommended to include this file in the application git repository to always have the admin panel configurations in sync across different local and remote environments. Configurations from the motor-admin.yml file are loaded automatically each time the file changes via git push or rsync.

It's possible to sync local development admin panel configurations with remote production application via rake motor:sync task:

MOTOR_SYNC_REMOTE_URL=https://remote-app-url/ MOTOR_SYNC_API_KEY=secure-random-string ./motor-admin sync

# Docker Git

Docker container should be run with mounted volume in order to access motor-admin.yml configs file for git version control:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 -v `pwd`:/app motoradmin/motoradmin:latest

# Docker Sync

docker run --rm -it -e MOTOR_SYNC_REMOTE_URL=https://remote-app-url/ -e MOTOR_SYNC_API_KEY=secure-random-string motoradmin/motoradmin:latest motor-admin sync

# Docker Compose Sync

docker compose run app motor-admin sync